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Oblate Youth Canada

The PLAN for the Blessing of the Easter baskets

By March 30, 2021News

Dear parishioners,

The blessing of food will take place on Saturday from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. We line up in the northern part of the parking lot. A special place will be designated by the entrance to the park on the paved part. We will create a cue along the curb on the western part of the parking lot. After blessing the food, we will go out to the right of the hedge of the rosary garden and we invite everyone to visit the church to bow before the Lord’s tomb, personally thanking for the love shown on the cross.
We ask everyone to obey all signs and one-way entrances and exits. Let our conduct during the blessing of the food confirm that we are gathering together in thanksgiving as disciples of Christ.

Your Pastoral Team