The beginnings of the Home Church in our parish go back to 1989. The first moderator of this movement in our parish was Father Teofil Szendzielarz, who for many years was responsible for the “Circles” of the Home Church in Mississauga. The Home Church emphasizes spirituality within the marriage relationship and the quest to be closer to God through unity with one’s spouse. It is a movement whose goal is to assist couples in sacramental marriages to build true unity with one another, thereby creating optimal conditions for bringing up children in the spirit of Christianity. Members of the Home Church strive to renew their unions and their family through living the Word of God, engaging in prayer as a personal meeting with Christ our Saviour, living a sacramental life through the Eucharist, giving witness to their personal relationship with Christ to others, and using their individual gifts to serve their Church community.
Thanks to living these practices, members become closer to God and are able to fulfill the spirit of their marriage union. Monthly meetings of the Circle of Families consist of sharing joys and challenges of everyday life, prayer and sharing the Word of God through the Scriptures or the Mysteries of the Rosary.