The Holy Rosary Family is a prayer community made up of “Rosary Roses”, each of which consists of 20 individuals. Each member of this community prays at least one mystery of the Rosary daily. In our parish 60 “Roses” (i.e. 1200 people) pray in this fashion. Our Parish Rosary Family was begun in 1981 by a group of parishioners who met in private homes under the direction of Sr. Alice Kwiecień to pray the Rosary. As interest grew, the formal structure of the Rosary family was adopted in 1986.
The responsibilities of the participants of the Living Rosary include praying a decade of the Rosary daily; participating in monthly exchanges of the Mysteries; receiving the Holy Sacraments regularly; and participating in monthly processions to the Rosary Garden from May to October. In addition, members ought to promulgate the Cult of Mary through a living example and apostolic works, and bravely defend the faith and the Church following the example of St. Dominic.
The Holy Rosary is prayed after the 8am weekday masses, and at 6:30pm, before the evening weekdays masses. On Saturdays, it is said after the 8am Mass. The Rosary is led by individual members of the Roses of the Living Rosary. On the first Sunday of the month, at 7:30am (Polish Group), and at 9.30am (English Group), the Mysteries are exchanged, and members receive Papal prayer intentions for the coming month.
Both English and Polish rosary groups are led by Jan Prymicz, who can be reached at (416) 662-8962