The Apostolate of the Knights of Mary Immaculate

This is a Marian Apostolic movement founded by Father Maximilian Maria Kolbe. Its members dedicate their life to Mary Immaculate, giving of themselves completely to do her will. They pray that Christ will reign in their hearts and in the hearts of all people. In the Apostolate of the Knights of Mary Immaculate the main emphasis is on prayer, piously wearing the Miraculous Medal, and reading and promulgating Catholic publications.

For more information, please contact Fr. Błażejak or J. Prymicz, (416) 662-8962.

The Mothers’ Prayers movement

One of our new parish initiatives is The Mothers’ Prayers movement, founded in England in 1995 by two lay women: Veronica Williams and her sister-in-law, Sandra. It is a movement dedicated to mothers (biological and spiritual) whose desire is to pray for their children. The charisma of the movement is a full dedication of children to Jesus by their mothers, in faith that He loves them and has a unique plan for each one of them. It is an ecumenical movement of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant communities. The movement is currently present in 110 countries.

THE MOTHER’S PRAYERS MOVEMENT – have their meetings every Tuesday at 8:00pm in Sr. Faustina Room. To obtain more information please call Ewa Ciesielka at 416 908-6152 or 905 676-9227


You are cordially invited to prayer evenings with the Blessed Sacrament led by the Praise and Worship Group ADOREMUS every first Saturday of the month following the evening Mass 20:00 – 21:30. We praise and worship God in joyful songs, listen to a formation talk on selected themes in spirituality, do a guided meditation on the Gospel, pray for healing and receive individually a blessing with the Blessed Sacrament.

Holy Rosary Society

The Holy Rosary Family is a prayer community made up of “Rosary Roses”, each of which consists of 20 individuals. Each member of this community prays at least one mystery of the Rosary daily. In our parish 60 “Roses” (i.e. 1200 people) pray in this fashion. Our Parish Rosary Family was begun in 1981 by a group of parishioners who met in private homes under the direction of Sr. Alice Kwiecień to pray the Rosary. As interest grew, the formal structure of the Rosary family was adopted in 1986.

The responsibilities of the participants of the Living Rosary include praying a decade of the Rosary daily; participating in monthly exchanges of the Mysteries; receiving the Holy Sacraments regularly; and participating in monthly processions to the Rosary Garden from May to October. In addition, members ought to promulgate the Cult of Mary through a living example and apostolic works, and bravely defend the faith and the Church following the example of St. Dominic.

The Holy Rosary is prayed after the 8am weekday masses, and at 6:30pm, before the evening weekday masses. On Saturdays, it is said after the 8am Mass. The Rosary is led by individual members of the Roses of the Living Rosary. On the first Sunday of the month, at 7:30am (Polish Group), and at 9.30am (English Group), the Mysteries are exchanged, and members receive Papal prayer intentions for the coming month.

Both English and Polish rosary groups are led by Jan Prymicz, who can be reached at (416) 662-8962

Domus Ecclesiae

The beginnings of the Home Church in our parish go back to 1989. The first moderator of this movement in our parish was Father Teofil Szendzielarz, who for many years was responsible for the “Circles” of the Home Church in Mississauga. The Home Church emphasizes spirituality within the marriage relationship and the quest to be closer to God through unity with one’s spouse. It is a movement whose goal is to assist couples in sacramental marriages to build true unity with one another, thereby creating optimal conditions for bringing up children in the spirit of Christianity. Members of the Home Church strive to renew their unions and their family through living the Word of God, engaging in prayer as a personal meeting with Christ our Saviour, living a sacramental life through the Eucharist, giving witness to their personal relationship with Christ to others, and using their individual gifts to serve their Church community.

Thanks to living these practices, members become closer to God and are able to fulfill the spirit of their marriage union. Monthly meetings of the Circle of Families consist of sharing joys and challenges of everyday life, prayer and sharing the Word of God through the Scriptures or the Mysteries of the Rosary.

Kolbe Mama

Whether you are a mother who is awaiting the birth of her first child, or a mother whose children have left the home, this group is for you. The purpose of this group is to help us guide our lives in the light of our Catholic faith, while sharing our experiences through friendship and prayer.
During our meetings we touch upon a variety of topics related to motherhood, our experiences, and our daily expectations within our family and professional lives. We utilize Catholic materials specifically intended for this purpose. Our meetings lead to mutual self-acceptance, and help
strengthen the bond amongst the members of our parish family. Our patron is St. Rita. Our meetings take place every second Friday of the month after the evening mass, in St. Faustina’s Room. For more information please email

The Apostolate of the Golden Rose

The Apostolate of the Golden Rose is a lay community initiative within the Church which prays for clergy and consecrated individuals, while also caring for new vocations of the priestly and religious life. The Apostolate began as a response to the call from Pope John Paul II, who in his exhortation, Pastores dabo vobis, and numerous other writings, invited the faithful to pray for vocations to the priesthood. The “Gold Rose” Apostolate was established October 4th, 2012, with the first spiritual guardian being Pastor Fr. Janusz Blazejak OMI, and the current spiritual guardian being sister Halina Pierozak MChR.

Our parish has six “Golden Roses”. Each Golden Rose is a group of 21 people, where each individual chooses a dedicated day (reoccurring every three weeks, and in accordance with the group leader) where they contemplate a mystery of the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, as well as fast. It is encouraged that group members during their chosen days attend Mass, and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

The Golden Roses meet up the first Thursday of every month for Adoration and an evening Mass, after which all six groups partake in a social gathering. For more information, please contact Sr. Halina Pierozak MChR at the parish’s office.